lunedì 30 luglio 2007

New Lost Dharma Station 6,

IL Nuovo Filmato sulla nuova Stazione "L'orchidea"......

Ed ecco la capisce anche senza traduzione

[A cue card with a DHARMA logo is held up as indistinct mutterings are heard. The film jerks and clarifies to show Marvin Candle. A woman is applying make-up to his face.]

CANDLE: I'll never get used to wearing make-up.

MALE VOICE: You look great! It takes away the shine.

CANDLE: Who cares if I shine? I'm a scientist, I'm not a...

[Film jumps to show a rabbit on a table. A female assistant lifts it up and passes it into Candle's arms.]

MALE VOICE: Turn the rabbit around, please.

[Candle does so, revealing a painted number 15 on the animal's side.]


[Film jumps again; an image of Gerald DeGroot is shown for a brief moment.]

CANDLE: Hello. I'm Doctor Edgar Halowax, and this is the Orientation Film for Station 6 of the DHARMA Initiative. As you [the Narvik building overlaps for a brief moment] have no doubt surmised, Station 6, or "the Orchid", is not a botanical research... [cut, image of building in swan orientation film when "social engineering" is mentioned can briefly be seen] We apologize for asking you to deceive your family and colleagues. This is, of course, in the interest of their own security. The unique properties of this Island created a kind of Casimir effect, allowing us to...

[A shot of the Room 23 film is very briefly shown, reading "God loves you as He loved Jacob". The film resumes with Candle holding the rabbit again.]

CANDLE: The field you have been selected to study is highly volatile and potentially dangerous. But, over the next few minutes we will demonstrate the elaborate safety measures that have been put in place to ensure... [something lightbulb-shaped falls from the ceiling with a loud crashing noise] ... the hell?!

[On a high shelf above Candle is another white rabbit. Several people start shouting, and the assistant runs past Candle.]

MALE VOICE: Hey, what is that?! What's going on...?!

ASSISTANT: Oh God, it's fifteen!

CANDLE: ... the hell?! Don't let them near each other! When did you set the shift?

ASSISTANT: Negative 20!

[A recorded female voice counts backwards from ten, cutting off at "three".]

CANDLE: How long?

ASSISTANT: Nine minutes, but we're still learning how to...!

CANDLE: [looks at camera] Why is that still running?

MALE VOICE: He told me to keep the camera running...

CANDLE: Turn it off. Turn it off!

[The camera cuts briefly to an upside down frame of someone riding a bicycle through the Barracks. Candle's voice can be heard very faintly, mentioning "harvesting". The film then cuts back to Candle without any alarm or chaos.]

CANDLE: Hello. I'm Doctor Edgar Halowax, and this is the Orientation Film for Station 6 of the DHARMA Initiative. As you have no doubt surmised, Station 6, or "the Orchid", is not a botanical research unit.

[The film cuts off.]

venerdì 27 luglio 2007

Comic-Con San Diego

Qui e qui troverete gli articoli sull'intervento di Lindelof , Cuse e sorpresa comic-con di San Diego...
Vi consiglio di leggerli attentamente perchè ci sono delle indicazioni molto,molto interessanti per esempio sul fatto che il flash forward di jack e kate fuori dall'isola non è il punto finale della storia!!
Un'altra cosa importante è che molto probabilmente le puntate della quarta stagione,che inizierà a febbraio,andranno in onda il Venerdi...quindi pronte per noi il Sabato...:-)...
E poi...una nuova stazione Dharma!..L'Orchidea!!!!!

Lost Video Game da UBISoft

Ed ecco la prima videogioco.....

ed il Link ufficiale....

giovedì 26 luglio 2007

Il ritorno

Allora è ufficiale:
Michael (Harold Perrineau) tornerà in pianta stabile nel cast di Lost.Ancora non è chiaro se la sua sarà una presenza,diciamo così reale,oppure un FlashForward o un FlashBack,oppure un' apparizione "alla Walt".
Comunque stasera ci saranno le prime indiscrezioni ufficiali dal Comic-con di Los Angeles.
Stay tuned!

lunedì 23 luglio 2007

Nuovi indizi 3

Ecco qualche novità per il nuovo cast di Lost...

One of my contacts at ABC has provided me with the following interesting casting news. This source has proved accurate in the past but he assures me this is legit. As I've not been able to verify this with my sources as of this time, I have to post this in the rumours section.

1) Negotiations with Harold Perrineau and Malcolm David Kelley are being made with Malcolm contract practically agreed and feelings are that agreement with Harold's people is very close.

2) Only one new actor will enter in the fixed cast, and the actor currently being sought for this role is Peter Stormare.

3) The producers have invited the actor Forest Whitaker to participate in two episodes at the start of the season.

lunedì 16 luglio 2007

Nuovi indizi 2

ecco qua...nuove notizie o meglio qualche chiarimento su notizie già apparse...
Agosto si avvicina e con agosto l'inizio delle riprese...cominciamo a stare come dice qui a Roma " a rota"...c'è chi si è rivisto le tre stagioni e chi ,come me ,cerca altre serie ma niente è paragonabile alla malattia di Lost.....
1. The AICN stuff about flash-forwards and flash-backs is true. It will be roughly split in half, the flash-forwards will tell a story culminating with how we saw season 3 end. That doesn't necessarily mean just Jack and Kate get off the island, but whatever flash-forwards we see will culminate with Jack deciding they have to go back and trying to convince Kate.

2. The flash-backs will be mostly from Others: Juliet, Ben, Alpert, although Desmond is definitely slated for at least 1.

3. The temple is important, and will be explored in the last half of the season

4. Rousseau isn't telling the truth about her experience on the island

5. Karl and Alex will have a more central role.

6. Sawyer and Kate will continue to be distant.

7. Locke will not be part of the main group of castaways for the majority of the season, he will be off to the temple with Alpert and then doing his own thing.

8. You won't be able to tell right away that what arrives in the ship is bad news, but it absolutely is

giovedì 12 luglio 2007

Primi indizi per la 4a stagione

Allora iniziamo con questa prima foto...ingranditela e vedrete qualche cosa di ...conosciuto...

1° indizio

martedì 10 luglio 2007

Trailer jj abrahams

Divertitevi visto che non ci sono Lost


venerdì 6 luglio 2007 message 5 message 1

J.J. Abrams Project

Volete passare un pò di tempo....
Fate una ricerca su Google mettendo la parola Cloverfield e poi andate su questi due siti

Non centra niente con Lost ma tutto ciò che fà J.J (come se andassimo a pranzo tutti i giorni...)è interessante.....
Enjoy it

giovedì 5 luglio 2007

Review della Terza stagione

Fishbiscuit ,che scrive recensioni su Darkufo,ha pubblicato quest'articolo molto interessante,correlato di foto,commentando accuratamente la terza stagione.
Dateci un'occhiata....

lunedì 2 luglio 2007

Nuove Notizie per la 4a Stagione

Ecco qua,alcune notiziole fresche,fresche....

1) Mobisode stories will revolve around a mystery that will include the "redshirts"

2) The rumor is true about cast member having problems on the show and they want off the show.....and they will NOT be missed by many of the cast members

3) Harold Perrineau is asking for a lot of money and does want to be a regular

4) We will meet Naomi's crew sometime next season, but no one has been cast yet...

5) We will find out what happened to is another chapter of Ben's story that will be seen at some point early in the season...

6) Alan Dale (Widmore) will be seen again...

7) Nick Jameson (Richard Malkin the Psychic) will make another appearance this season...

8) The season will focus on 2 (two) main story arcs that will occur during the season and will explain many of the things we are all wondering about....

9) Ben and Locke will fight and that will question Locke's loyalty...

10) Desmond's future is told in a Season 2 (TWO) episode and it will be tested during this season..

Source: The ODI