lunedì 16 luglio 2007

Nuovi indizi 2

ecco qua...nuove notizie o meglio qualche chiarimento su notizie già apparse...
Agosto si avvicina e con agosto l'inizio delle riprese...cominciamo a stare come dice qui a Roma " a rota"...c'è chi si è rivisto le tre stagioni e chi ,come me ,cerca altre serie ma niente è paragonabile alla malattia di Lost.....
1. The AICN stuff about flash-forwards and flash-backs is true. It will be roughly split in half, the flash-forwards will tell a story culminating with how we saw season 3 end. That doesn't necessarily mean just Jack and Kate get off the island, but whatever flash-forwards we see will culminate with Jack deciding they have to go back and trying to convince Kate.

2. The flash-backs will be mostly from Others: Juliet, Ben, Alpert, although Desmond is definitely slated for at least 1.

3. The temple is important, and will be explored in the last half of the season

4. Rousseau isn't telling the truth about her experience on the island

5. Karl and Alex will have a more central role.

6. Sawyer and Kate will continue to be distant.

7. Locke will not be part of the main group of castaways for the majority of the season, he will be off to the temple with Alpert and then doing his own thing.

8. You won't be able to tell right away that what arrives in the ship is bad news, but it absolutely is

1 commento:

Pacio ha detto... si....c'è chi si butta su JERICHO.....chi scarica io non ce la faccio....per ora perlomeno!