mercoledì 7 novembre 2007

Lost il primo Mobisode...

di seguito il testo..più o meno fedele

LOST - Missing Pieces


[Jack throwing rocks into the ocean. Wearing shades, hair is longer than normal].

Christian: Whatcha doin there kiddo?

[camera turns to show Christian walking towards Jack on a beach. They are in front of the hotel where Jack gets married.]

Jack: Just throwing rocks.
Christian: Good! It's good to the Rocking Throwing out before you get married.
Jack: It was either this or being inside with Sarah and the Wedding Planner figuring out where all the flowers should go.
Christian: Wise choice. Listen, before tonight, before things get crazy, I wanted to give you something. This was my dad's and I thought it'd be fitting.
[Christian pulls a watch out of a white handkerchief]
Jack: I've never seen you wear it before.
Christian: That's because I never did. See, your grandfather didn't really like your mom. He thoguht marrying her was a mistake. He told me, to my face, that the day that I got married, he'd give me this watch. So I never wore it.
Jack: Are you trying to tell me something?
Christian: You made..the absolute right choice.
[Jack puts watch on]
Jack: Guess this is really happening, huh?
Christian: Soon as those flowers are set up...and as soon as you run out of rocks.
Christian: Do me a favor, huh? If you and Sarah ever have a kid, try to treat it better than I treated you.
Jack: No pressure, huh?
Christian: See you inside, kiddo.

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